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Rourk Landing

Learn more about Rourk Landing

Southport, North Carolina and the surrounding area attracts people from all walks of life. Many people who move here are relocating for work, but just as many are retirees, eager to spend their sunset years close to the sun and the surf. Still others choose Southport to raise their family in close proximity to golf, tennis, and other cherished past times. Whatever your reason for choosing Southport, it’s a wonderful area to pursue an active lifestyle—and there are plenty of communities here to accommodate the lifestyle of your choosing.

One such community is Rourk Landing. Here you will find a number of lavish yet intimate homes that span designs, sizes, and price ranges. You’ll find a community that maintains a small-town feel as well as big-city amenities. And you’ll discover plenty of opportunities to escape to the water, or to play tennis and golf at your leisure.

Rourk Landing has something for everyone—and in fact, it may have your dream home. To find out, come take a tour of some homes; contact our team to arrange an appointment.

No other real estate team shares our passion for the Southport area, nor our deep expertise in lifestyle communities and housing. No matter your preferred lifestyle or your reason for coming to Southport, we can help you find a home that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations—whether in Rourk Landing or elsewhere.

Start the process today by arranging to see some homes. Contact our team of real estate professionals to get the process started.